Useful Information Links
- www.myfirstlink.org -- Your first point of contact for community and volunteer information and referral services.
- www.dynavoxtech.com --Has videos about agmentative communication devices.
- www.mohrmn.org-- This is the website of Minnesota Organization of Habilitiation and Rehabilitation. It highlights our mission around the state, values, success stories and more.
- MinnesotaHelp.info Helping families and professionals connect with information and services for children with special health needs.
- Minnesota Board of Agin (MBA) The MN Board on aging is the gateway to services for MN seniors and their families. MBA listens to senior concerns, researches for soltions and preposes policy to address senior needs.
- MN State Council on Disability (MSCOD) The MN State Council on Disabilties is a state agency providing leadership to empower and strengthen the rights of MN with disabilities.
- Brain Injury Association of Minnesota. The MN Brain Injury Alliance supports Minnesotans affected by brain injury through advocacy, poblic policy, resource facilitation, case management and education.