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November 01, 2015

The multi-sensory enviornment room (MSE) is in full swing in Crookston and EGF.  Many clients are benefitting from time spent in this room.  Typically individuals spend about 30 minutes once or twice a week in this space.  The objective is "individualized" in that each of us needs something different from our experience in the room.  If I were Autistic and having a difficult day I might display anxious behaviors; rocking back and forth, flapping my arms, making loud noises or having a difficult time sitting still or focusing on the task at hand.  If I were going into the MSE room that day I would need to be stimulated.  The operator of the room would start the room at a "high" level of stimulation (preferrably higher than my state of stimulation).  They would have the room more stimulatng than I present.  Music would be loud and with a fast beat, the solar projector would have a highly stimulating disk and there would be movement of the projector around the room.  Mirrors would be utilized to add even more stimulation.  Gradually over the thirty minutes, the music selction would be turned down in volume and changed to a less stimulated beat, the selction of disk for the projector would be decreased in stimulation.  The idea is that I (the person enjoying the experience) would begin to relax and I would imitate the level of stimulation.  So:  when I leave the MSE room I would be much calmer, my heart rate would slow, my movements would be less, I would feel more relaxed and thus be able to concentrate better. 

The same would be true if I were a person with Alzheimer's and I am sleepy and not very focused.  My head might be droopy.  The objective of time in the MSE room for this person would be to stimulate that person more than they are already.  I would start the room slower than the person with Autism.  I would have soft music on, have the projector on the floor (where the person might be looking).  I would gradually increase the level of stimulation.  I would move the projector up the wall so by the time they were leaving that room, they would be holding their head up straight.  Time in this room would wake them up and stimulate them into a more focused state. 

This room can be utilized for any person as long as they are not aggressive or destructive in the room or wanting to sleep in the room.  We have had several success stories of time spent in this room!  More on that later!
