April 10, 2017
The Minnesota Organization for Habilitation and Rehabilitation - To Advocate and support members in providing meaningful services to persons with disabilities and communities served.
Desiree Nozling has a longtime friend whose son has disabilities, and he brought her into contact with people at CHOICE, Inc. Their happiness captured her attention.
It was a first step in her journey to become a direct support professional (DSP) with the Eden Prairie provider of employment and community support services. “I just loved the attitudes of everybody,” said Nozling, who is now in her third year with the nonprofit. She previously served as a cook manager in a school.
Now, Nozling, who can’t wait to come to work, spreads her positive attitude everywhere she goes. “It’s like you’re a rock star, every day,” she said. Adored by the people CHOICE serves, Nozling also enjoys the variety her job provides. Read more
The direct support professional (DSP) workforce shortage is a national public health crisis, says ANCOR, the American Network of Community Options and Resources.
A 56-page report lays out the details, and there is an executive summary, as well.
Great sessions at summer conference
in St. Cloud, register by 5/19
MOHR's annual conference is June 6 and 7 in St. Cloud, and features multiple sessions on topics that include:
- the Olmstead Plan and HCBS
- Inclusion
- Person-centered thinking
- Employment
- Legislative review
- Brain injuries
- DHS Exception Process
- DHS grants
The cost is $150 and registrations are due by May 19. See the members area at the bottom of the main page at mohrmn.org or on google-groups for more info.
Save the date: MOHR events
Summer Conference- 6/6-7
Legislative Conference- 8/29-30
Mark Knuckles Workshop- 9/26-27
Stories and letters about the direct support professionals (DSP) workforce crisis are flowing in:
(please scroll down)
Rochester media sounds alarm on staff shortage
Staffing shortage ... causes issues for families KAAL-TV.
MOHR | c/o TSE, Inc. 2027 Rice Street, Roseville, MN 55113 |